This plugin is a bonus for all our customers. Plugins are within your downloaded folder, kindly check Plugins folder from your download.

Bluchic Testimonial plugin shows a list of your testimonial in slider mode. It’s easy to create and implement into widget area or inside a page.

How to install plugin

  1. Go to Plugins – Add New
  2. Click Upload Plugin to browse the Plugin zip file and upload it
  3. Click Install Now to install the theme
  4. Once installed click Activate Plugin to activate the plugin

Create testimonial

Setup testimonial on sidebar widget

Setup testimonial shortcode on page

Refresh your permalink once you activated the plugin. Go to Settings – Permalink and click Save Changes button to refresh permalink link.
Shortcode: [bc-testimonial] or [bc-testimonial speed="500" timeout="5000"]
1000 = 1 second
Speed = Transition speed
Timeout = Time stop on a slide