Create Pages

  1. Go to Pages – Add New
  2. Create a new page titled Home
  3. On the right hand side, Page Attributes box, on Template, select Home template
  4. Click Publish
  5. Repeat the above step to create a Blog Page (no need to select any template).

Setup Static Home Page

  1. Go to Settings – Reading
  2. On Front page displays select A static page (select below)
  3. On Front page, select Home
  4. On Posts page, select Blog
  5. Click Save Changes

Example demo content

Kindly use “Code editor” to insert this example content. Refer this documentation on how to use “Code editor”.

<!-- wp:columns -->
<div class="wp-block-columns"><!-- wp:column -->
<div class="wp-block-column"><!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Quinn is a feminine WordPress Theme by Bluchic, designed for wedding event planners in mind. You can also use this theme for photography website or any other purpose. If pink isn’t your brand color scheme, afraid not, you can change the color easily with a color picker. The best of all, Quinn is a responsive theme which means it will fit beautifully on all devices, from desktop to laptop and tablet to mobile phone.</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>
<!-- /wp:column -->
<!-- wp:column -->
<div class="wp-block-column"><!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>This content section is created using Bluchic two columns Shortcode to divide the text into two columns. If you don’t want this option, you can simply write as per usual paragraph text. We provide sample content in the download so you can set up your site pages to look exactly like our demo site. All styled stock photos used in the demo site can be purchased via <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">White Hart Design Co.</a>.</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>
<!-- /wp:column --></div>
<!-- /wp:columns -->
<!-- wp:paragraph {"align":"center"} -->
<p class="has-text-align-center">[button url=""]LEARN MORE[/button]</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->
<!-- wp:shortcode -->
<!-- /wp:shortcode -->
<!-- wp:heading {"align":"center"} -->
<h2 class="has-text-align-center">FROM OUR LOVELY CLIENT</h2>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
<!-- wp:paragraph {"align":"center"} -->
<p class="has-text-align-center">"This is a testimonial from client. You can create this in the Home Page by centering the paragraph and use line Shortcode. The rest of this is just sample content. Vestibulum semper consectetur porta in imperdiet a ullamcorper praesent. Purus adipiscing morbi ut adipiscing facilisi vestibulum semper facilisi a turpis dignissim ullamcorper vestibulum lobortis ullamcorper praesent porttitor condimentum ornare. Suspendisse mattis tellus enim quis malesuada a vestibulum."<br>Joanne &amp; Michael</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->
<!-- wp:shortcode -->
<!-- /wp:shortcode -->