- Go to Appearance – Themes
- Click Add New button
- Click Upload Theme button
- Click Choose File and select the theme zip file (e.g. Quinn.zip) from your computer to be uploaded
- Click Install Now button
- Click Activate link. That’s it! You can now go to your site and see the newly activated theme.
Please UNZIP the whole package that you download and locate theme zip file (e.g. Quinn.zip) to be uploaded.
Unable to upload because there is no Add new button on your dashboard? That means you are on WordPress.COM which doesn’t allow user to upload theme. Please ensure that you are on self-hosted WordPress.ORG with domain name and hosting. Read our getting started guide
Missing Stylesheet

If you upload your theme and received the following error:
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Rest assured, your theme style.css stylesheet is not missing. Usually this happens because you’re trying to upload the whole download file which is incorrect.
Kindly follow the following steps:
1- Unzip the download file (example: quinn_theme.zip)
2- Open the unzipped/uncompressed folder (example: quinn_theme/)
3- Locate the theme zip file (example: Quinn.zip) and upload this zip file directly.
Where’s my ZIP file?
Safari by default will unzip the downloaded zip file. You may want to disable it.
Kindly find your Safari download folder, the zip file should be within.
However, sometimes Safari will unzip and delete the downloaded zip file. You may want to disable this behaviour, you can refer here.