1– Before updating the theme, we highly recommend you to save a backup copy of existing theme, so you have something to fall back on if a mishap happens.
2– Make sure you’re using a child theme is you customized your theme. Check the following changelogs to see what file has been updated/added/removed.
3– Please refer to update theme documentation for how-to update theme
4– If you need additional assistance with the theme update, please submit a support ticket for assistance.
Version 23.10 (October 25, 2023)
- Updated FontAwesome 6.4.2 with Threads icon
- Updated to load WordPress block separately
Files Updated:
- style.css
- includes/ace_functions.php
- includes/ace_theme_customization.php
- includes/custom_widgets.php
- includes/modules.php
Version 23.04 (April 05, 2023)
- Fixed mobile dropdown menu double click on iOS
Files Updated:
- includes/ace_functions.php
- includes/modules.php
- js/scripts.js
- style.css
Version 22.10 (October 10, 2022)
- Added TikTok social media icon
- Added option to remove legacy jquery-migrate.js
- Added hero image preloading
- Updated to CDN Fontawesome icons
Files Updated:
- includes/ace_functions.php
- includes/ace_libraries.php
- includes/ace_theme_customize.php
- includes/modules.php
- style.css
Version 22.04 (April 20, 2022)
- Added HTML minification and query string removal option
- Updated mobile menu to use CSS only
- Removed deprecated/outdated Javascript
Files Updated:
- includes/ace_functions.php
- includes/ace_libraries.php
- includes/ace_theme_customize.php
- js/scripts.js
- header.php
- style.css
Version 21.10 (October 09, 2021)
- Added HTML minification and query string removal option
- Updated flyingpages.js option
- Updated minor WooCommerce styling
Files Updated:
- includes/ace_functions.php
- includes/ace_libraries.php
- includes/ace_theme_customize.php
- includes/plugins/woocommerce.css
- style.css
Version 21.09 (September 01, 2021)
- Removed deprecated CSS and PHP code
- Preload icon fonts
- Add Maggie home page pattern
Files Updated:
- includes/ace_functions.php
- includes/ace_pattern.php
- includes/modules.php
- js/scripts.js
- style.css
Version 21.04 (April 19, 2021)
- Fixed password protected page form bug
- Updated custom widget icon title and rel
- Removed deprecated CSS and PHP code
Files Updated:
- ace.po
- style.css
- editor.css
- header.php
- searchform.php
- functions.php
- includes/custom_widgets.php
- includes/modules.php
- includes/ace_functions.php
Version 21.02 (February 9, 2021)
- Updated theme activation notification
- Updated WooCommerce cart count compatibility
- Updated Gutenberg pattern layout
Files Updated:
- style.css
- functions.php
- includes/ace_theme_customize.php
- includes/plugins/woocommerce.php
Files Added:
- includes/ace_pattern.php
Version 20.07 (July 23, 2020)
- Updated social media icon and fontawesome version 5
- Updated minor design
- Removed non-responsive stylesheet style.none.css
Files Updated:
- style.css
- removed style.none.css
- includes/ace_functions.php
- includes/ace_libraries.php
- includes/ace_theme_customize.php
- includes/custom_widgets.php
- includes/modules.php
- includes/plugins/woocommerce.css
Version 20.04 (April 23, 2020)
- Fixed script insert option in Customizer
- Update Gutenberg gallery styling
Files Updated:
- includes/ace_theme_customize.php
- style.css
- style.none.css
Version 19.12 (December 8, 2019)
- Fixed Gutenberg cover image
- Fixed scrolling fixed menu issue
- Fixed issue with WordPress 5.3
- Updated breadcrumb Schema
Files Updated:
- style.css
- style.none.css
- invludes/ace_functions.php
- includes/ace_started.php
- includes/modules.php
Version 19.07 (July 11, 2019)
- Fixed top header padding
- Fixed Gutenberg gallery margin
- Updated horizontal line colour in Theme Options
- Updated wp_body_open WordPress 5.2 support
- Added cookie consent settings
Files Updated:
- style.css
- header.php
- js/scripts.js
- includes/ace_functions.php
- includes/ace_libraries.php
- includes/ace_options.php
- includes/ace_theme_customize.php
- includes/plugins/woocommerce.css
Version 19.01 (January 12, 2019)
- Updated Gutenberg compatibility
- Updated Hero image on iPad landscape
- Fixed menu bar z-index
Files Updated:
- includes/ace_functions.php
- style.css
- style.none.css
Version 18.09 (September 19, 2018)
- Fixed and update hero image codebase for responsive issue
- Fixed footer credit background settings/options
- Update an option to relocate newsletter on top or bottom
- Update settings to un-sticky menu
Files Updated:
- includes/ace_functions.php
- includes/ace_libraries.php
- includes/ace_theme_customize.php
- header.php
- footer.php
- style.css
- style.none.css
Version 18.05 (May 21, 2018)
- Restore query string from static resources
- Updated hero image for better image view on mobile
- Updated HTML5Shiv to Cloudflare CDN (Thank you Timothy Smith ([email protected]))
- Updated WooCommerce layout and image settings
- Updated to show menu background when hero image is not appearing (Thank you Bree Lawson ([email protected]))
- Updated to add text before comment button
- Fixed WooCommerce related post layout
- Removed AceFramework Settings meta box in replace of WordPress proper post template
Files Updated:
- includes/ace_functions.php
- includes/ace_libraries.php
- includes/ace_theme_customize.php
- includes/meta_boxes.php
- includes/modules.php
- includes/plugins/ace_woocommerce.php
- includes/plugins/woocommerce.css
- footer.php
- style.css
- style.none.css
Version 18.03 (March 9, 2018)
- Updated spelling for not found page (Thank you Jessica Dolce ([email protected]))
- Updated grammar mistake on comment count (Thank you Destiny Darby ([email protected]))
- Updated gallery using flexbox for a more aesthetic gallery display without plugin
- Updated translation .PO file
- Added option to disable built-in Colorbox script to avoid any plugin conflict
Files Updated:
- includes/ace_import_export.php
- includes/ace_libraries.php
- includes/ace_theme_customize.php
- includes/ace_functions.php
- includes/modules.php
- includes/shortcodes.php
- includes/quicktags.php
- includes/js/editor_plugin.js
- languages/ace.po
- languages/
- 404.php
- comments.php
- content-list.php
- content.php
- style.css
- style.none.css