Create Page

  1. Go to Pages – Add New
  2. Insert all necessary field
  3. Click Publish

Create Gallery

  1. On page editor, click Add Media
  2. Select Create Gallery
  3. Select all the images you want to be in gallery
  4. Click Create a new gallery
  5. Setup the necessary settings
  6. Click Insert gallery

Disable Page Comment

  1. On page listing, hover the page title
  2. Select Quick Edit
  3. Uncheck Allow Comments
  4. Click Update

Choosing Page Template

  1. On page editor, find Page Attributes
  2. On Template dropdown, select a page template
  3. Click Update

Insert Image

  1. On page editor, click Add Media
  2. Select an image
  3. Scroll down and setup necessary settings
  4. Click Insert into page

Embed YouTube Video

  1. On YouTube page’s video, scroll down and select Share
  2. Copy the URL provided
  3. On page editor, paste the copied URL from YouTube
  4. WordPress will translate the URL into a video